Order once placed can only be cancelled within 4 hours from placing the order. If your order is not shipped, you can cancel it by writing to our customer support team at However, the transaction fee and GST levied by Instamojo at the time of payment capture will not be reversed to your account. It will take 10-12 working days for the refund to reflect in the original mode of payment. In case, the order has been shipped we would not be able to accept any cancellations.
All products listed at PAHADI ZAIKA are non-returnable. And refund is also not possible.
Convenience fee
Please take note of the following points:
- Convenience fee is non-refundable.
- Convenience fee is applicable on all modes of payment.
- The fee is charged per customer per transaction.
Exchange Policy
We only exchange goods if they are defective, damaged or lost in transit.
However, if you believe that the order you have received is wrong, in a damaged condition, please send an e-mail to us within 24hrs of delivery at with a picture attached.
To return your product, you must mail your product to the PAHADI ZAIKA directly.
You will be responsible for paying for your shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable.
Upon receipt of the returned product, we will fully examine it and notify you via e-mail, whether you are entitled to a replacement. If you are eligible, we will send you a replacement product.
*Our Cancellation & Refund Policy changes from time to time. You are advised to visit pahadzaika to get updated.