Namgia (The Hidden Village)

Story of Dried Apricot(Khumani)
Namgia is a Village in Pooh Tehsil in the Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh. It is located 45km towards the East of Reckong Peo. Namgia is the last Indian village along the India-China border in the area. River Satluj enters India through Shipkila and Namgia is the first village situated on this riverbank.
Namgia is a small village with a population of approximately 350. Most of the population is dependent on agriculture while some on government services for their livelihood.
In this village, our farmer Tej Singh Negi lives with his mother, wife and his younger brother. He has three kids who are mostly away for education.
Tsewang Dolma, Tej Singh’s wife is a hard-working co-partner who contributes equally in the fields.
The family lives on their ancestral land on which they grow Rajmah, Pears, Almonds, Apricots and apples. Apple is the most commercial product, is preferred among any other fruit.
But this wasn’t the same a few decades back. Apple plantation was not yet started and people use to be dependent on other products. Since the Apple plantation has come into the picture, there is a huge decline in other plantations.

Tej Singh’s elder son Kunzang is very happy doing business with Pahadi Zaika, he feels Pahadi Zaika is giving them space where they can sell their Apricots at a fair cost.
He agrees that his family is growing apricots in an organic way ever since and this will continue till there is a situation when it becomes necessary to use pesticides or insecticides.
Looking at the beautiful landscape and untouched environment we believe this organic journey for Kunzang will continue for a few more decades and Pahadi Zaika will continue doing business with him.
Last but not the least, it is a win-win situation for all three parties involved, our customers get a feel of connection through our stories, farmers get a better market space to sell their products and we get a chance to make eating habits healthier and tastier.